CEBN Webinars

Webinar: 2019 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook

Produced for the Business Council for Sustainable Energy by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the 2019 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook provides new industry information and trends for the U.S. energy economy. In its seventh year, the Factbook offers an in-depth look at the energy efficiency, natural gas and renewable energy sectors as well as emerging areas such as battery storage and sustainable transportation. BCSE and CEBN will hold a webinar briefing on the report.


2018 Midterm Elections Results & Trends in Energy Digitization

Join us for a webcast of a special two-part event featuring discussions on emerging digital energy trends and the implications of the 2018 Midterm elections.


Webinar: The Tenant’s Triumph – How to Improve Energy Signatures of Leased Facilities

August 17, 2018 | When you don’t own your roof, walls, or HVAC system, how can you improve energy efficiency or invest in renewables? The Tenant’s Triumph examines this question through the lenses of behavioral techniques and technical steps companies can employ.


Webinar: Farm Bill Programs for Energy and Rural Development

March 6, 2018 | The United States Department of Agriculture has a wide variety of funding streams designed to promote economic development across the country. The Farm Bill, which reauthorizes these programs once every five years, expires in September 2018, providing a rare opportunity for businesses to engage Congress to make these programs more effective in supporting clean energy development.


Webinar: What Clean Tech Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Intellectual Property

February 27, 2018 | This CEBN webinar from February 27, 2018 provides an overview of intellectual property considerations impacting clean tech businesses. Gain a basic understanding of trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks, and patents.


Webinar: CEBN Strategic Planning Results and 2018 Dashboard

January 31, 2018 | In the fall of 2017, the CEBN launched a member-driven effort to develop a new strategic plan. More than 200 members responded to our questionnaire, and more than 50 participated in group Advisory Committee discussions. Join us as we summarize the feedback you provided and unveil our proposed strategic plan for the future of the CEBN. We’ll brief you on our 2018 workplan, new resources for networking and business development, and our proposed governance structure and dues.


Webinar: ARPA-E Overview, Funding Opportunities and Advice

January 10, 2018 | This CEBN webinar covered the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), a federal program that advances high-potential, high-impact energy technologies that are too early for private-sector investment.


Webinar: Understanding Equity Dilution—What Does it Mean to Dilute My Investors?

September 13, 2018 | Dave McCarthy of Potential Energy DC provided an informative workshop on equity dilution and how to consider taking on new investors as an early-stage firm. The recording of the webinar is now available along with the slides and accompanying excel file.


Webinar: State Energy Policy: Innovation, Economic Development, and ‘Creative Disruption’

July 25, 2017 | How are state policymakers responding to shifting energy landscapes, and how can the business community engage? David Terry, Executive Director of the National Association of State Energy Officials, discussed these topics on a July 25 CEBN webinar.


Webinar: Federal Funding for Clean Energy Programs: What You Need to Know

June 15, 2017 | What does the President’s FY 2018 budget request mean for the renewable energy, efficiency, and advanced fossil industries?