Blog | Federal Investment
March 6, 2025
April 14, 2022 | Annabelle Swift, Associate, CEBN
Congress has begun the annual appropriations process for funding government agencies through FY2023. As part of this process, President Biden’s high-level budget request has been released. CEBN annually engages with lawmakers to show the importance of DOE funding to sustainable energy businesses. We have launched a new sign-on letter for FY23 Appropriations. Your signature can go a long way to ensuring continued robust funding for clean energy.
This year’s letter urges Congress to support robust funding for clean energy research, development, deployment, and demonstration (RDD&D) programs at the Department of Energy in Fiscal Year 2023. The Department of Energy (DOE) is a key resource supporting cleantech innovation and clean energy businesses; the voice of industry is critical in ensuring the DOE is appropriately funded.
In addition to funding at DOE, CEBN is encouraged that investments in cleantech were included in the House and Senate version of the Bipartisan Innovation Act, which provides important resources to boost U.S. innovation capabilities. As such, the letter highlights specific components of these bills that boost small business innovation and calls on lawmakers to prioritize these investments in the conference agreement.
You may sign the letter as an individual or on behalf of your organization.