Blog | Federal Investment
March 6, 2025
Updated September 28, 2022 | Annabelle Swift, Associate, CEBN
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program provides funding for small businesses to advance and commercialize new technologies. Eleven federal agencies participate by allocating 3.2% of extramural R&D funding specifically for small businesses. Five agencies, including DOE, allocate an additional 0.45% for the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program which involves research institutions.
SBIR has a 40-year track record of success of leveraging small business innovation and is a crucial initiative to bolster clean energy innovation, national security, and economic growth more broadly. However, SBIR and STTR are set to expire on Oct. 1st. On September 20, 2022, the Senate passed the SBIR and STTR Extension Act of 2022 by unanimous consent, which extends the SBIR/STTR program for three years.
CEBN’s business and coalition sign-on letter calls on the House to swiftly vote on this bill and extend this program for three years. We invite you to sign below.
The SBIR program supports the defense sector, in addition to cleantech innovators. Pentagon Officials have sent a letter to Congress warning members that a lapse of SBIR/STTR is a threat to national security. DOD is already warning businesses that it may have to shutter the program. Any lapse can cause a serious disruption for small businesses already involved in phase I of the program, which is why we are also calling on Congress to include reauthorization in a continuing resolution should one be used.
You may sign the letter as an individual or on behalf of your organization.