
Geothermal Geophone Prize Funding Opportunity

The Geophone Prize is an opportunity to win up to $850,000 in cash prizes and vouchers to work with NREL and the DOE to address the challenges of operating seismic sensors in geothermal environments. Learn more about how to apply!


CEBN Celebrates 5th Anniversary

This May, the Clean Energy Business Network is proud celebrate our 5-year anniversary. To mark this milestone, we want to thank BCSE for 5 years of successful partnership, and most importantly, we want to thank our members for being part of the network!


110+ Business Leaders Support Robust Funding for Federal Cleantech Programs

More than 110 clean energy leaders from 34 states have signed on to CEBN’s letter advocating for robust funding for the Department of Energy and new and existing federal cleantech programs. On Friday, the Clean Energy Business Network shared this letter with Congressional leadership.


Insight Into the American-Made Program

Learn about the American-Made Program, an exciting federal program that provides U.S. innovators in clean energy with cash-prizes to develop their technologies and projects.


Send Your Representatives Your Clean Energy Priorities

As Congress begins to set spending levels through the annual appropriations process, CEBN provides all the tools you need to ensure your voice is heard. With just a couple clicks, send a message to your representatives on your company’s top priorities.


Tell Congress to Support Innovation & Clean Energy

In spring 2022, Congress is determining funding levels for the next fiscal year. This includes appropriations for energy programs at the Department of Energy (DOE) and other agencies. CEBN’s sign-on letter shows small business support for funding for clean energy in FY23 appropriations. Sign here!


Breaking Down the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: An Introduction to BIL

CEBN is starting a new blog series to unpack the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and clearly lay out how you can take advantage of the $1.2 trillion investment in new federal programs and funding opportunities. This first installment of the series provides an overview of the new law.


Insight Into Funding Opportunities Supporting Inclusive, Community-Based Climate Solutions

CEBN is highlighting funding for climate solutions that are focused on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as well as community-focused initiatives.


The 2022 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook: Four Takeaways for Small Businesses

Last week, the Business Council for Sustainable Energy released their 10th annual “Sustainable Energy in America Factbook.” CEBN dug into the data in the Factbook and pulled out the following four trends affecting small businesses. 


Introducing the “Insight into Federal Programs” Series

As a cleantech innovator or business owner, you’re balancing a lot. You’re an expert in your technology and the needs of your community, but you may not be aware of all the government programs that exist to support the clean energy economy.  To figure out where you can best plug in, CEBN is providing overviews of programs across the federal government. Allow us to introduce you to six different programs at the Department of Energy (DOE). 


CEBN Looks Back on 2021

Here at the Clean Energy Business Network, we are all about the ‘network.’ Our collective strength as an organization relies on the individual contributions of our members. With each new project you build, each time you sign onto a policy letter, each new connection you forge, you are building a cleaner, healthier, more resilient, and more affordable energy future for all Americans. As we look back on 2021, we wish to express our gratitude for your contributions to our community of changemakers.


Inclusive Energy Innovation Prize Funding Opportunity

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Department of Energy (DOE) have created a new, cross-cutting funding opportunity to support community partnerships. The Inclusive Energy Innovation Prize will provide a total of $2.5 million in funding to up to 10 teams to advance ideas for a just and equitable transition. Learn more and get a head start on applying.