Sustainable Energy in America Factbook Webinar
The CEBN and BCSE produced a webinar briefing on the 2019 Factbook featuring experts from various clean energy sectors.
The CEBN and BCSE produced a webinar briefing on the 2019 Factbook featuring experts from various clean energy sectors.
The Business Council for Sustainable Energy and Clean Energy Business Network hosted this two-part webinar examining the results of the 2018 midterm elections as well as emerging trends in energy digitization.
What carbon-based pricing systems currently exist in North America, and how have these programs impacted energy markets, prices, and emissions? This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of the structure and impacts of U.S. and Canadian carbon markets.
Updated August 18, 2018 | Lynn Abramson, President, Clean Energy Business Network
Our partners at the Climate Collaborative selected CEBN member MHR Development to give a broad overview of clean energy solutions for commercial tenants on a webinar on August 17, 2018.
In the second installment in BCSE & CEBN’s Powering Forward webinar series, learn about the long-term trends that have taken place across the energy sector along with the latest insights on how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted clean energy in the first quarter of 2020.
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) is a new program at FEMA to help states, local communities, tribes and territories undertake hazard mitigation projects to reduce risks from disasters and natural hazards. This webinar hosted by the Business Council for Sustainable Energy, Clean Energy Business Network, and National Association of State Energy Officials covers this important program and ways it can help communities strengthen their energy resilience.
The United States Department of Agriculture has a wide variety of funding streams designed to promote economic development across the country. The Farm Bill, which reauthorizes these programs once every five years, expires in September 2018, providing…
This CEBN webinar from February 27, 2018 provides an overview of intellectual property considerations impacting clean tech businesses.
In the fall of 2017, the Clean Energy Business Network launched a member-driven effort to develop a new strategic plan for our organization. More than 200 members responded to our questionnaire, and more than 50 participated in group Advisory Committee discussions to identify challenges facing the clean energy industry and unique ways the CEBN could provide value to members.
This CEBN webinar covered the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), a federal program that advances high-potential, high-impact energy technologies that are too early for private-sector investment.
On September 13, Dave McCarthy of Potential Energy DC provided an informative workshop on equity dilution and how to consider taking on new investors as an early-stage firm.
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program provides federal support to encourage small business research, development, and commercialization of promising technologies. Learn about upcoming opportunities to engage in the program in fall of 2019 — including a business letter on proposed improvements.